
Soma Biotics

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Dietitian Helen Bond says there could be some truth in this. ‘Resistant starch is digested in the large intestine, meaning it provides a slow steady release of fuel. Cut it out and you often find you’re flagging and more likely to crave a snack. Catherine Collins says that bread can also be a good source of vital nutrients such as calcium, adding that bread on its own is unlikely to cause significant weight gain. ‘The real problem is the high-fat things we eat and our bread. What about the slab of cheese in the middle of it, or the olive oil you dipped it in?’ she says. Half a million Britons are thought to have celiac disease, an auto-immune condition where gluten causes the immune system to attack the lining of the small intestine symptoms include diarrhea, constipation and bloating. Celiac disease is diagnosed by taking a biopsy of the intestine or via blood tests. Sufferers must be strict in avoiding gluten. This is different from so-called ‘gluten intolerance’, which is linked to IBS, headaches and mood swings. The problem, say experts, is that people are self-diagnosing both conditions. In the case of gluten intolerance, Professor Whitwell thinks it could be the fiber in bread not gluten that’s the real problem if you have a sensitive gut. ‘A lot of people put themselves on gluten-free diets and claim it makes them feel better. But I don’t think they feel better from cutting out gluten, it’s the cutting out fiber. ‘And gluten-free products are now starting to add fiber, so in fact these people may find they’ll start to feel worse again and we’ll come full circle.’ More controversially, Professor Whitwell believes there is a ‘grey zone’ of people who may not have full-blown celiac disease or even wheat intolerance, but just have a degree of sensitivity. ‘To be diagnosed as celiac you need to have a positive blood test, followed by a positive biopsy,’ he says. ‘But I have patients who don’t have either of these yet feel much better when they cut out gluten. ‘We can’t call them celiac, but we have to believe them.


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